Friday, October 2, 2009

So Far Sooooo Fun!

Mary made it safely to Ann Arbor and is already heading back with Brandon and their friend Nicole. I expect they will be "home" for dinner around 7 or 7:30pm. I feel better when she is not driving alone.

Matthew and I went bowling to support the Senior Mystery Trip this afternoon. We bowled on a lane by ourselves and actually got 4 games in 90 minutes. My first game was great~124! The middle two were exactly the same 98. I redeemed myself the last game with a 115. Matthew had a really good last game, 126! He should have found that ball from the beginning! After bowling we met Jeff at Applebee's for lunch. Jeff and I had lunch combo~French Onion soup and French Dip Sliders. MMmmm. Matthew had chicken fingers.

Back at home, we learned to play Dutch Blitz. We like it a lot. It will be even more fun with more people playing! I won the first round and then we had to stop as it is time to make the crescents. I also went out and harvested most of our tomatoes, even if they were green. I don't want to have the cold temperatures ruin the rest of our crop. Listen to me like I am some kind of farmer! Anyway the green ones are on the sill waiting to ripen. Right along with the cool weather, many many of the leaves are turning already. They started early this year...end of August. We have a light blanket of leaves covering our lawn on the side of the yard.

Well, better go...I want dinner to be great!
