Thursday, September 23, 2010


Twenty one years ago a beautiful little girl was born.  I can remember it like it was yesterday, a day that I became a mommy.  It was a beautiful fall Saturday morning while living at Yokota Air Base in Japan when I wondered if was going to be the day.  After a couple errands and a walk to the dry cleaners, we realized that it was our baby's birthday!  Eight hours later at 6:34 pm Sarah Elisabeth was born!   Now, Sarah is a beautiful young woman, a junior at Hope College learning to be an Athletic Trainer.  We are so proud of all of her accomplishments,  happy smile, her love of sports (especially baseball), her willingness to listen and help her friends and family.  I can't wait to see her and celebrate with her on Saturday!  Happy Birthday sweetie!

I had a good day at work and then a pretty good choir rehearsal.  Tomorrow Matthew will be taking his road test.  He is pretty nervous, sat and read the whole book about what to expect.  I watched as he practiced parallel parking, backing into a parking space and stopping at a pre-determined line in the church parking lot.  He did pretty well.  He does well on the road, so I am confident that he will do great. Jeff will be taking him because I am afraid I might talk too much.  Mary texted me this morning and said she was on ESPN U!  I don't get that channel, so I didn't see it, but was glad to share in the excitement through our phones! I have a great family!  Thank you Lord! 


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