Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snowy Conditions

It has been snowing for probably close to 7 hours now and we have several inches of wet slippery snow on the ground.  Looking at the radar, there is still more coming.  It started around 6 pm and was really coming down when Matthew and I came out of wal-mart at 9 last night.  The head elder will be calling early this morning (about 5 hours from now) to see if the roads are too dangerous for travelling to church. It was pretty slippery driving home.  Matthew is doing a pretty good job maneuvering on the roads.

Matthew had a good time at his lock in, enjoying a great pizza buffet, playing laser tag, driving indoor go-karts, bumper cars,and playing arcade games.  Guess they stopped at Denny's for breakfast and he had all you can eat pancakes for $4.  Slept all morning, of course. Then he worked hard at cleaning the house. Inside chores and then hung the wreath and plugged in the Christmas lights.  Jeff helped him with some other lights in some bushes and put out the nativity set before the snow hit.  Good thing!

Jeff and I enjoyed a Barbershop Christmas Concert in Grand Rapids this afternoon. The Grand Rapids Sweet Adelines performed along with a few quartets.  They were really good! The Men's Barbershop group, I think the Great Lakes Chorus did a nice job as well.  There were two quartets that sang. Then the groups came together sang some song together and we had a little sing-a-long too! Sure glad we went to the afternoon show, I am sure the traffic was horrible for the 7pm show!

Mary surprised us with a text with pictures from the Big Chill hockey game. Michigan played Michigan State in Ann Arbor outside at the Big House!  The Wolverines won 5-0!  GO BLUE!  Hoped she stayed warm. Mary caroled around campus with the Women's Glee and had a fun time.

Sarah was busy baking when she wasn't working on her reports. She made pancakes, muffins and cupcakes!  Took time out for some fun and participated in a snowball fight with the neighbors.  Guess they all had her cupcakes afterward.  Sarah said they were delicious.

Got some laundry and shopping done today.  We will see what we can accomplish tomorrow.

Goodnight from the snowglobe!


I have posted a few Village Green songs on the blog as you might have noticed.  Remember to pause my playlist first before playing my videos. Now, if you watch the videos on you tube (click on the little you tube square), click on subscribe or on WeatherNurse (my user name) first then subscribe and you will be notified when I upload another video. Sure hope this makes sense.

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