Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Muppet Show - Danny Boy

Happy St Patrick's Day!  A friend sent me this link and I absolutely love it! I always loved the muppets.

I had a good day at work yesterday and then attended church and choir rehearsal.   Our director just became a grandma and she is off to spend a week with the new family, so I will  need to run choir next week.  We were going to try and sing a few songs while she was away, but we just aren't ready.  The orchestra plays on Sunday and I will have the girls sing next Wednesday.  She will be back home before the next service.

Today Matthew is in Grand Haven with the Village Green. They will be singing at the Choir Festival and receive a rating from the judge(s).  Break A Leg!  I am going to be baking some cookies, having lunch with the quilters and who knows maybe I will even sew this week.  Have to find to more material to match my current project. I am supposed to meet with my VBS co-leader and then I really need to practice the piano and work on Quicken!

Well, That' all Folks!

Don't get pinched, wear GREEN!


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