Jeff and I drove to Detroit today to attend Aunt Gert's funeral. We had quite a scare on the way. A deer ran in front of an oncoming truck and then slid across the front of our car. No damage and we are safe. The deer wasn't as lucky. The funeral service was very nice. David was a pall bearer. We were able to visit the graves of my Uncle Art, along with Grandpa and Grandma Heumann's after the committal. Family and friends gathered for lunch at Gert's favorite seafood restuarant, Moe's on the Ten. Jeff had whitefish and I had lemon chicken. It was delicious. It was really nice to see cousins and family friends again. We were able to chat with cousins and remember stories from our childhood. Some stories were new! I didn't know that my dad took flying lessons, and Big Dave got a ride in the plane with Dad's instructor. My brother told the story of Grandpa Heumann helping the Wright Brothers with their plane for take off. That is a cool story that I had forgotten. One common remark from my cousins was how much they enjoyed growing up with Aunt Gloria's visits. They said they always had so much fun. Cousin John is going to plan a Family Reunion for next year. Sounds like fun to me! Let's plan on it. Here are some pictures of the family.

It turned into a rainy day. It is supposed to be rainy and cool this week. Fall is really here. Matthew had soccer practice and Mary is at evening rehearsal of Guys and Dolls. She likes her new part and reads lines for those who can't be there. Chime team was a little chaotic tonight. I think I might have to rethink the parts. Some are a little too hard.
Well, I am going to work on laundry, music for church and plan menus for the week. It doesn't look much like golf weather for tomorrow. Too bad. I enjoy golfing with my friend, Norma.
Until the next entry,
Peace Be With YOU!