Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday's Thoughts and Events

Thought I would post this picture of our Grace Place Retreat Group. We had lots of fun and made some new friends, and reminisced with friends from the past.

I had a good day at work yesterday. I stayed late so mom could stay at her job for a little longer. Time was passing, and I did get a little concerned since children's choir was less than an hour away. Then a few phone calls came with "sorry we won't be there tonight", and I was only left with one singer. So we cancelled. whew. I am still having trouble picking music for the little people. Don't know why I have this block. Hope it leaves me soon. Today is quilting, if I ever get there, and a piano lessons in the afternoon. I work tomorrow and then the big busy weekend. I realized that I still need to shop with Mary for a homecoming dress. Maybe we can go after piano lesson??Hmmm the wheels in my head are turning.

Mary has been happy. She found out yesterday that she will have a solo in the play, "Guys and Dolls". They also posted the One Act play for the winter, and her favorite director is directing. Yay! Mary had a great time at her show choir retreat and now has a dvd of the dances so she can practice at home. Lots of excitment is in store for the fall. She and her friends are contemplating solos and duets to sing at the concert next month.

Matthew is ordering his class ring today. It was a long process. The rings he really liked were >$200! After some discussion and further investigaton of the ordering book, he found the right one, ~$150. Still a lot of money, but he is going to help fund this purchase. He has another game today after school at Grand Rapids Christian. He likes playing on the team, but of course the "star players" like to criticize and correct things they don't like. I always remind him to listen to what the coach says..he is the one in charge. All in all, he likes high school and is doing well.

If the weekend wasn't so busy, I would go see the movie "fireproof" it is a movie with a Christian Message. We will see it, just don't know when. Last movie I saw was Batman. This will be a welcome change. Batman was good, but very dark. This movie should light the way!

Well off to quilting. Have a great day!
