Appreciating Pastor's Appreciation
There are so many holidays and awareness days and months for this and for that, even a hot dog day and a left-handers a few months ago. How can anyone keep track of all this craziness? October has: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, Mental Illness Awareness Week, Fire Prevention, Breast Cancer, Dental
Hygiene, Down's Syndrome, Infertility, Domestic Violence, Lupus Erythematosus,
Physical Therapy, Spina Bifida, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), American
Pharmacist and Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month and even Pastor Appreciation month!
Jeff and I don't expect any gifts or recognition for our service to the Lord in His House and to His flock. That doesn't stop our members from expressing their thanks to us during the month of October. We have received gift cards to restaurants and a beautiful hand made natvity! I have decided that I am going to display now and enjoy it, instead of putting it away for a month. The congregation usually has a Sunday with cake for us and that hasn't happened yet, so I better be ready tomorrow since we won't be here the last Sunday of the month. I spoiled the event last year after the diagnosis of cancer and it's immediate hospitalization for treatment.
Sarah has had a few rough weeks with multiple injuries at football games practices along with the woes of writing a thesis. Mary enjoyed her time with Brandon in L.A last weekend including a night at Conan O'Brien. (I would rather see the Price is Right). Anyway, she is back in Ann Arbor and had her interview with Teach for America. She will hear where their offer of a teaching job is located on October 31st. Matthew is doing well at school and is looking forward to our arrival next week. Me too! The Opera is playing this weekend and it has a beautiful set. Matthew told me that it was the main project for most of the summer. I am so proud that Matthew had a hand in it! (I'm smiling!)
Jeff is at "The Big Day of Serving" in Grand Rapids today, helping with the packaging of more dinners for Kids Against Hunger. I dropped him off at a local church at 0630 and will pick him up around 6 tonight. Until then, I have been doing bible study, blogging, cooking and baking and have the laundry downstairs (thanks honey!). I still need to go shopping, pick up my prescriptions and go for a walk. It sure looks nice outside!
Hope you day is a great one! I don't need a certain day to remember you, because I remember you and pray for you each day!
Hoping the Detroit Tigers can even up the playoffs tonight.
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