Friday, June 21, 2013

It's summer!

It's summer! Luckily, the weather hasn't been too hot until recently.  Even without our air conditioners, it has been tolerable in the house.  It's the brick! Hope the AC will be in and working before it gets really hot and humid. 

 Two recent events this month for me was my 50th birthday and the Relay for Life fundraiser where I walked over a mile at GHS track.  I walked one lap with Sarah, the Survivor lap with Jeff and then three more laps after a very nice meal that was prepared for the survivors and families.  Just the week before, I turned 50!  I sure don't feel it, not even with all the treatments I have been through and side effects that came along with it.  My birthday was wonderful. Sarah surprised me and came home the night before and stayed for a few days.  Jeff took me to Outback for dinner. Mary arrived home after her European trip with Brandon, and Matthew called to wish his mama a happy day.  That is really all I needed.   But Jeff had a birthday party for me with some close friends and we enjoyed some delicious cake and snacks.   Did I mention that our house is filled with birthday balloons??  I love them! Thanks to everyone for your good wishes. 

What's happened since I turned 50?  We went to Brandon's graduation party and had a wonderful afternoon and evening.  My appetite was back, so I was able to enjoy the most delicious burgers, hot dog and potato salad.  We also enjoyed a ride on the lake. Whenever we get together with the Cory's we have a lot fun and laughs. Thanks for a great evening friends!  Mary made the cake and as  usual she did a great job with decoration. The cake was delicious too.


Sarah is home for about 6 weeks to help me with the housework and drive me places, since I am still banned from driving by my transplant doctor. It has been so nice having her home and having someone to talk to, watch TV with and cook with.  We are going to work on new recipes. She has made some trips back to Toledo to cover her high school baseball district and regional games and this weekend is the all star football game.  She was also able to attend some graduation open houses for some of the athletes.

 Now for more exciting news!  Matthew is coming home next week.  I am so so so happy, especially since I wasn't able to go to Oklahoma in May.  He is going to get lots of hugs while he is home for over a week!  Did I mention I was happy?  Mary is going to come home for an overnight so we can have a family picture taken. Hope they turn out nice. Then she goes back to Ann Arbor to continue working and taking two summer classes at the U of M.

So, it has been a great  June 2013.....

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