Friday, June 28, 2013

Matthew is home!

It's been a fun week at 319 Cass.  Wednesday and Friday were Korean cooking days. My friend Deann came over and with Sarah's help,  made Bulgogi and put it to marinade for two days.  Then today we worked together Mary included to make Yaki Mondue. Tonight was dinner with both families and we have very little leftovers.  It was a lot of fun.

Yesterday was a very special day.  Matthew came home from Oklahoma for 10 days!  Had lunch at Red Lobster and then Jeff gave Matthew a lesson on how to change a flat tire after a piece of metal plunged into our tire.  Luckily the tire was repairable and things are back to normal.

Mary came home a few hours later and we spent quite a while deciding what to wear for our family picture.  Pictures went well and have been ordered.  Bought the CD too, so we can print or email pictures to as many friends and family we want.  Keep your eyes open in 2-3 weeks.   Dinner was at our favorite  late night place~Applebees for 50% off appetizers.  It was nice to have all 5 of us together again.  Baking is always something Mary loves to do when she comes home and made some delicious fudge brownies with dark chocolate chips! Yum.

Brandon came back to Greenville as well and spent time with  his dad.  When he picked Mary up to return to Ann Arbor, he showed me his diploma from U of M. Pretty nice! He heads to UCLA in a month, I think.

More fun times ahead!  I'll keep you posted.


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