I went to Gilda's House yesterday for a class about feeling and dealing with cancer and grief. I am not sure if I did my collage card like the rest of the class, but I am very happy with it and it represents how I feel so well.
Can you make any guess about any of it's meanings?
The picture includes: stormy background (including some tornadic winds), God, a lamb, happy black and white dog, three children, flowers, koala, anemometer and kiddie border.
Stormy background: I have had a stormy last year. Blown around leaving life as I knew it in pieces.
God: All powerful and has directed my life through the storm, safe and sound.
Lamb: The little lamb is me. I am in God's loving arms.
Dog: First, it represents that I'd like things to be more black and white, but it has proved to very gray. There are no hard and fast answers. Secondly, he makes me smile, and I need to keep doing that every day, no matter if life seems gray.
Three Children: Two girls and a boy. Wonderful memories of our three children growing up into who they are today, awesome! It also represents my looking forward to grandchildren one day, hoping that I will be able to hold them and play with them.
flowers: Take time to enjoy the small things. Seeing the first flowers of spring always brings a smile and a sign of life!
Koala: I think they are so cute and had the exciting experience of holding a koala when we were in Australia, Sarah in one arm and the little aussie in the other.
Anemometer: Of course it's an instrument that the love of my life uses in his weather world. It measures wind speed. Life has been a whirlwind at times, then a waiting game at others. I am still learning patience!
The kiddie border: Well, it represents kids in general. I love kids and babies.
So that is my story behind the collage card. Tomorrow church orchestra starts and Friday I am going to visit a friend from my work.