Jeff and the family took me for a barbeque dinner and then we spent a few hours cleaning up the basement. Fun! Actually it is nice to see it so clean. Tomorrow is the graduation open house and Sarah wanted to have extreme ping pong, thus cleaning the basement. Mary baked me a chocolate layer cake and it was moist and delicious.
The excitement began later when a bat appeared in the house! Jeff and Mary's friend Greg help apprehend the critter and released it into the night sky.
During the past week, it was nice to have Sarah home and we went for birthday lunch at Red Lobster with Ernie and Marlene, Gloria and Jeff met us there. Thursday was a busy day...quilt, clean, banking, piano lesson, baseball practice, Band Booster meeting, Softball banquet and a GHS Jazz Band concert in the park, which was really good. We actually went to all the events.
Today will be busy enough. Matthew has a baseball game, open houses, cleaning house buying groceries, decorating and preparing for Sarah's open house tomorrow. I play for church in the morning and am part of the fellowship team after church! I'll need a rest, but I work Monday from 8 am to 4 pm. My patient is moving to California, so I need to work as much as I can before that.
Better Run!