Sunday, June 29, 2008

Repression Can Be Good Thing

It is late on Sat or really, early Sunday morning. Thought I would do a little catch up before another busy day tomorrow.

Matthew's team won again Thursday, which sent them to another playoff game today. We drove about 1 hour and watched, waited and hoped that they would call the game. Matt pitched a good first inning and lost a little focus in the second. The coach pulled him the first time out to the mound, rather than give a pep talk. Anyway with the next pitcher, and some poor fielding, 12 runs were added to the other team. I think they used 4 pitchers in 4 innings. Final score was 25-0. The season is over, and we can be proud about how far our team went in the tournament. Jeff and I both got a little sunburn while sitting in the bleachers at high noon. Repression Can Be Good Thing.

Sarah received a phone call from Hope College about her schedule. After all of her required classed she needed 3 credit hours to equal 16. We searched for a 3 hour class and found none. Sarah's been in contact with the softball coach and she encouraged her to take her softball class(one hour). That brought her to 14 which is considered full time. She wanted to take Spanish, but that put her over 16 which would be difficult plus add to tuition. So the scheduling people signed her up for a 2 hour religion class. So now she will have the 16 credit hours that is reccommended.

Tonight was Thrivent night at the Michigan Whitecaps game. I have looked forward to this for a long time. I had such wonderful memories from last year's games. First there was a rain delay, which worked a little toward our favor since we were a little late. But it started after 8 pm. Our seats were near the top and it was quite a slow moving game. By 1045 pm, they just finished the 7th inning. Worst of all we sat just below were the balcony people sit, and someone must have spilled beer, because it was dripping on Mary and the lady next to her. The lady finally put up an umbrella it was so annoying and bad. After talking to several people, they cleaned the drips off the balcony and gave us paper towel to clean the seats. We left early disappointed and missed the fireworks afterward. Repression Can Be Good Thing. I did win a baseball cap with a matching number on a coupon and the team magazine. It is a nice hat.

On a good note, Jeff made it home safe and sound. He had a good visit in Arizona. Worked hard, took a test, and was able to meet up with friends from out Yokota days in Japan. We are glad to have him home. Mary is going to start voice lessons this Wednesday and throughout the summer. She is pretty excited about that. Sarah has one more Wednesday evening softball game with Hope and before you know it we will be on our way to Florida.

Tomorrow Matt is usher, Sarah is acolyte and Mary is helping me with children's church. We have a graduation party to attend, mission meeting, Camp fun day and Mary had a birthday party and sleepover. I work Monday Wednesday and maybe on Saturday. I am hoping that our church team can win Monday evening. It will be nice to have Jeff back playing on the team. Sarah is babysitting a bunny for a week. He is very cute. His name is commander bun-bun. Sammy doesn't know he is in Sarah's room, and we have the gate up on the stairs.

I guess that is all for now. Until next time,
