Monday, November 7, 2011

Good News!

Well, today is the day!  After several weeks of waiting, the tile expert is here this week to put in our bathroom floor.  We sure hope that the rest of the bathroom repair goes smoothly with nice results.  Not sure when it will be done, but sure glad there is some progress and don't want to rush anything. Watch for updates this week!

After years being on the job hunt, filling out countless lengthy online applications and three recent interviews,  I was offered a night shift position at Metro Hospital in the Nursery and Postpartum unit.  I am happy to announce that I accepted the position and will begin my new job on December 5th. I am excited about this new opportunity and furthering my career.  The staff I have met are very friendly and helpful.  The hospital has the reputation of treating the employees very well, and that they love working there!  I am still planning on caring for my little princess as time allows.

We had a pretty good weekend too. Matthew had play rehearsal and reports that things are coming together nicely.  He also got the proof book from his senior pictures and we are going to have a time picking out a few favorites.  Matthew is getting excited about his senior year, graduation and being a Sooner!  He has been accepted to OU but still has an interview to set up with the theatre department admissions.  He needs to create a portfolio too.  In the meantime, Matt is doing well in school and is part of the first ever Technical Theatre Class at GHS.  Here is a sketch that he did for homework and was posted on GHS Theatre Facebook.  I  think it looks great.  The melodrama "Westward Whoa" will be showing at GHS by staff and friends of Greenville Public Schools in February.  We will see if they use some or all of Matthew's ideas!  So proud of Mr Matthew.  He works occasionally at the Church's Child care when needed.  The kids love him!

Jeff and I enjoyed a delicious mexican meal with some friends from church last Saturday. It certainly is a popular place since there was a 45 minute wait.  I don't think we waited the whole 45 minutes, but it sure was worth it.  Loved my chimichanga.  It was a fun time.  Saturday is football day and we were happy that the Gators and Sooners won there games, but felt so bad that Michigan lost. I truly believe that they scored a touchdown with only seconds left, but it was ruled incomplete.  Who knows what would have happened.

Sarah and Mary have been very busy.  Sarah has a lot of homework to complete after attending an AT  conference this weekend.  She also wants to start applying to Graduate School.  Sarah reported to me that Hope College is hosting the Men's NCAA soccer tournament and is so happy that she can work the Hope games with the team! She loves being around the action and athletes!  Go Hope!  Mary has lots to keep her busy and she was with the Women's Glee Club retreat this weekend, so I haven't heard much from her.  I will be going to the University of Michigan this weekend for the Men's Glee Club Concert on Saturday.  Brandon and Mary's mixed barbershop quartet might perform as well before the concert. That would be so exciting!

Today I am going for some blood work and hope to make an appointment with my orthopedic doctor for a second opinion on my knee problem that persists.  Want to get it under control before I start my new job!

I guess that is all the news I have for now.....


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