Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankfulness Abounds!

What a fun filled weekend with our family! Thank You Lord for a wonderful husband and children!

I promised a report from Matthew and Jeff's black Friday adventure. They started out at Radio Shack and bought a new TomTom GPS on sale to replace the Garmin GPS Jeff would return later, only to have found a good exchange instead of a return at Best Buy with a TomTom GPS. So in the end, Jeff got a new GPS and then gave me the GPS from Radio Shack for my car!  I might be needing it now that I will be driving to Grand Rapids more often.

Their next stop was the Apple Store. Matthew bought himself a new MacBook PRO laptop computer.  He loves it, and now he and I won't be "fighting" over my laptop anymore. So all three kids were working on their MacBooks this weekend either for homework or for fun!

I had a good day at work on Friday and then we had chicken crescents for dinner as planned. Mary and I have it down to a science and can turn out a meal together pretty quick!

By 8 pm we were at the Sports Plex ready for ice skating.  We had Sarah's skates sharpened and we all laced up!  We all enjoyed ourselves but only needed one hour for skating. The skates hurt our feet.  Even Sarah's did since they aren't the right size anymore. She still loves them and uses them.  She looked so lovely out there skating.  I miss it and I think she does too. We took lots of pictures, so be sure to visit the Family Photo Album.  The night wasn't over, Sarah Mary and I stayed up and made Bulkoogi for dinner for Saturday.  Sarah has mad meat cutting skills! The smell of the marinade made us hungry so we shared a frozen pizza before bed.  Fun!

Saturday was the big Michigan vs Ohio State game.  Mary, Jeff and I watched the game with the Cory's at their pub on the big screen TV. A fun private party!  What a game and a nail biter. So glad the Wolverines hung on and WON!  Go Blue!  Wish we could say the same for the Gators. :(  The Sooners had no problem beating Iowa State.  By the way, Mary and Brandon were interviewed by the Detroit Free Press last week about their recent trip to OSU to sing the Victors.  I have posted the link to the story on my Facebook.

The plan was to begin making the yakimondue after getting home from the game,  but the whole matter of new cell phones and plans came up with great buys!  So we went phone shopping for an hour to see what phone we might want to have next.

So even though we were behind a little, with great team work, Mary and I had the Korean meal ready by 7:15 and we ate to our hearts content. bulkoogi and rice and yakimondue...Mmmmm.  So glad that Brandon could join us for our feast.  Anytime Mary and Brandon are home, there is some singing involved. Matthew and I joined in on some barbershop quartet numbers. Their mixed barbershop quarter, Blue Horizon, should be debuting the night of Mary' Glee Club concert.  Mary is playing her cello that night too.  Can't wait!

Sunday morning came early and our group sunday school and church service went well.  I played for church along with the orchestra. Our anthem turned out very nice. I was pleased, I think God was too!  Jeff and I did chapel for the Long Term Care residents in the afternoon and then came the moment the girls were waiting for: ordering new phones.  Despite the long phone call between two customer service people and four of the five of us, our new phones are ordered and we did get a good deal.  They are even supposed to be shipped overnight, which means we should have them tomorrow!  Another new toy to play with, when will I ever have time for Quicken?  Brandon picked up Mary around 6 pm Sunday and headed back to Ann Arbor. They arrived safe and sound. Sarah stayed until after we finished bowling (we won only one game) and headed home around 11pm.  She too made it home safe and sound with lots of work to do...Supposed to have a presentation today, hope it went well for her. Maybe I will hear from her sometime soon.

Today I did some cybershopping,  "redecorated" the blog and watched TV.  I want to start some laundry tonight and decorate our house for Christmas.  First I have choir and chimes and a little shopping.  Better get going!


PS:  Jeff has found a good deal on a new Toshiba laptop computer (his is old and slow) and will be driving into Grand Rapids to pick it up!  Fun Fun Fun!

Keep Scrolling and watch a few videos from our ice skating night!

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