Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Prayers Needed For So Many.

This is truly sad and tragic. I don't know how could handle such a tragedy.

The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Crash kills pastor's wife, two children in Kansas

My friend of mine shared this on her Facebook~
Words from Rev. Jeff Geske posted on his Facebook wall - 
"Thank you! I would like to thank everyone for the words and love shown to me during this most difficult time at the death of Laura and Joshua and Joy. I rejoice knowing that they are now in heaven with our Savior Jesus. I miss them so much, but I know that one great and glorious day, they will along with Jesus welcome me home to heaven. May ...this difficult time for me remind you and encourage you to continue to express your love to your family. They are so precious and truly a gift from God on loan to us. May God comfort you as He is comforting me. Never forget how much God loves you! John 3:16-17 Take comfort in the five most important words you can ever know which are, "Jesus died for my sins!" Jesus loves you and so I ask and encourage you to love others and share His love, forgiveness, and salvation with them. Heaven is our home!"


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