Monday, May 5, 2008

Excited and Exhausted!

Sarah is home and had a wonderful time on her trip to Boston with the Village Green Show Choir from the high school Here are a few photos of the trip and see more on the photo album site. Sarah was very tired but pulled it altogether and got her work done. There was a double header today and although she didn't play she coached 1st base to a win in the 2nd game! They finally won!

Equally as exciting, our church softball team won it's first game tonight. We had a lot of good hitting, fielding and base runningby all. Both Matthew and I had at least 2 hits a piece. I am very very happy. The weather was beautiful today. I went donw to Grand Rapids twice, once in the early AM to take Jeff to the airport, then later with my patient for a Doc's appt. We ran out of gas on the way home. Luckily we were just a couple hundred yards from a gas station and a kind man from UPS, Jeff, helped us and we were back on the road within a half hour. Praise the Lord.

Mary had an orchestra banquet tonight and she was awarded most valuable sophomore by her peers. That is an honor. She ran for secretary for the orchestra next year but lost to her oppponent. She is still running for Sec of the Theatre Club. We hope to get Mary's permit to drive tomorrow. The Hobbit has a performance for the middle school and parents are invited to come and take pictures. I think I will try to make it.

I am striving to send out annoucements this week and plan Mary's party. She is going to have a baking day on her birthday with some of her friends and then a larger party when dad gets home from his trip with Matt and (the Harmonizers, mixed chorus) to Mackinac Island. We are going to tie my red white and blue quilt this week too! Matt has a baseball game in Grand Rapids tomorrow evening. I hope that #1, we find it and #2 it doesn't rain!

I am getting a bit tired so I am off to bed!