Monday, October 31, 2011
Trunk or Treat!
We had a lot of fun at Mt Calvary's Trunk or Treat! Jeff went as Darth Vader and Matthew returned as the Jedi Knight. Only wish Jeff would have said to him..Matthew I AM YOUR FATHER! Everyone loved the Star Wars corner and especially liked Matthew's pumpkins which were awesome! One little girl had to have her picture taken with Darth Vader! Most kids knew his voice and said that is Pastor Jeff. Darth Vader turned to the good side and was friendly as he passed out candy. We found the Jedi sat lifeless with his hood over his head until just the "right" time and scared a few kids. I was so original and went as a nurse. Whoopie! I guess it was better than not dressing up. The turn out for Trunk or Treat was huge, maybe 1000 people. We had no candy or hot dogs leftover and everyone had a lot of fun. There are lots of pictures on the Photo Album. Take a look!
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have a third interview early in the AM with my potential peers at a local hospital. Jeff and I will continue on to Holland mid-morning to attend Sarah's senior case study presentation. I am looking forward to it. Can't wait to give my Sarah a big hug too! We have to be back by 3pm for an MRI of R knee. It has been especially bothersome tonight.
Well that is all. It was a good day! Praying for a great day for everyone tomorrow!
Happy Reformation Day!
Mt Calvary's Reformation service was great Sunday morning! I was very pleased with the Chime Team and with our horn players. I sang with a mass choir in the afternoon and that went pretty well too. It made for a long day after a short night's sleep.
Bowling started off a little rough, but ended up in a high note! Jeff bowled at 232 and I bowled a 157. Jeff's series was a 607 and now has an average of 178! Better him than me, I am happy to stay at 122.
Weather here is cold and rainy tonight. Matthew was able to mow our lawn and our neighbor's lawn one last time before the winter. I don't mind the cold..just the rainy part that. Rather have snow. To many snow is a four lettered word!
So we all get to sleep in tomorrow. Matthew has no school, but play practice from 9-1. Then he will go to work at the child care center at church in the afternoon. My little buddy is coming at 10 instead of 8:30, so I have a little make up sleep time too.
Trunk or Treat begins at 6pm, at MCLC and I am planning on having a great time as usual. Hope it isn't too cold. Matthew carved three pumpkins this year aren't they great?
Mary went to a halloween party last Friday. She and Brandon wore their trachten, German clothes. They look great and it sure looks the whole group of friends had a fun time! Don't know if Sarah has any Halloween plans. She has been super busy! Matthew and Jeff have their costumes ready. I am not sure what I am going to do yet.. I don't get too excited about dressing up for Halloween anymore. I will post pictures of them tomorrow after Jeff reveals his new look!
I had better get to bed. Think I will take some ibuprofen first. My knee still hurts. Hope the MRI can tell us why it is giving me so much trouble.
Have a Great Pumpkin of a Day!
Bowling started off a little rough, but ended up in a high note! Jeff bowled at 232 and I bowled a 157. Jeff's series was a 607 and now has an average of 178! Better him than me, I am happy to stay at 122.
Weather here is cold and rainy tonight. Matthew was able to mow our lawn and our neighbor's lawn one last time before the winter. I don't mind the cold..just the rainy part that. Rather have snow. To many snow is a four lettered word!
So we all get to sleep in tomorrow. Matthew has no school, but play practice from 9-1. Then he will go to work at the child care center at church in the afternoon. My little buddy is coming at 10 instead of 8:30, so I have a little make up sleep time too.
Trunk or Treat begins at 6pm, at MCLC and I am planning on having a great time as usual. Hope it isn't too cold. Matthew carved three pumpkins this year aren't they great?
Mary went to a halloween party last Friday. She and Brandon wore their trachten, German clothes. They look great and it sure looks the whole group of friends had a fun time! Don't know if Sarah has any Halloween plans. She has been super busy! Matthew and Jeff have their costumes ready. I am not sure what I am going to do yet.. I don't get too excited about dressing up for Halloween anymore. I will post pictures of them tomorrow after Jeff reveals his new look!
I had better get to bed. Think I will take some ibuprofen first. My knee still hurts. Hope the MRI can tell us why it is giving me so much trouble.
Have a Great Pumpkin of a Day!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pretty Good Week, Fun Weekend Ahead!
The week at the Wilhelm's was a productive one. Good days at work, Survived joint choir rehearsal and our Brass Ensemble is ready for Reformation Sunday! Even the tile specialist came to look at our bathroom to see where he will be putting in the tile. Just a few more weeks. I am happy to report that the shower and toilet upstairs are in working order and that makes me very very happy!
Thursday Jeff and I went to Concordia Ann Arbor for a Parenting Seminar. It was very good and we also go the chance to visit with our Mary! We had such a nice one hour visit. Saw some of the houses that Mary and her friends looked to rent next year. They have decided on one, and have paper work to do! We also took her to McDonald's for a snack. She told so many fun stories and I got to give her a couple of big hugs! That is the best.
Friday we traveled into Grand Rapids for pizza and the World Series. What a battle! Great baseball to end the season. Wished it could have been the Tigers winning the whole thing. I had reasons for either Texas or St Louis to win. Went to Nursing School in St Louis and watched them win the world series in 1982, and it is always nice when a team who has never won a series gets this far. Looking forward to next year! We made as stop at Party City to get Jeff a new halloween costume. Won't tell you what it is, you will have to wait for pictures. It is going to be great!
Saturday is always College Football day in the fall. So glad to see Michigan and Oklahoma win, and felt bad that the Gators couldn't hold on and earn a win against those 'dawgs. Eeeww. Hope Brantley is ok, he was really limping at the end of the game.
Matthew has a friend over and they had fun carving pumpkins, eating dinner and watching TV. I am glad that Matt has a buddy to spend off time with. They are in Village Green together and maybe other classes too. Not sure. We have Matthew's senior picture proof book. I guess there is no way for family to see them. Will have to pick for you!! Ha Ha! They are nice, so no worries! Maybe if I knew if you like full length or close up, I can pick better.
I had a long list of things to do today, but didn't get it all done. I did start the laundry and thought about quicken. My poster is made and the kitchen is clean. Matt got his pumpkins and I watched all of my football games. I still need to shop and practice the piano.
Looking ahead....
Thursday Jeff and I went to Concordia Ann Arbor for a Parenting Seminar. It was very good and we also go the chance to visit with our Mary! We had such a nice one hour visit. Saw some of the houses that Mary and her friends looked to rent next year. They have decided on one, and have paper work to do! We also took her to McDonald's for a snack. She told so many fun stories and I got to give her a couple of big hugs! That is the best.
Friday we traveled into Grand Rapids for pizza and the World Series. What a battle! Great baseball to end the season. Wished it could have been the Tigers winning the whole thing. I had reasons for either Texas or St Louis to win. Went to Nursing School in St Louis and watched them win the world series in 1982, and it is always nice when a team who has never won a series gets this far. Looking forward to next year! We made as stop at Party City to get Jeff a new halloween costume. Won't tell you what it is, you will have to wait for pictures. It is going to be great!
Saturday is always College Football day in the fall. So glad to see Michigan and Oklahoma win, and felt bad that the Gators couldn't hold on and earn a win against those 'dawgs. Eeeww. Hope Brantley is ok, he was really limping at the end of the game.
Matthew has a friend over and they had fun carving pumpkins, eating dinner and watching TV. I am glad that Matt has a buddy to spend off time with. They are in Village Green together and maybe other classes too. Not sure. We have Matthew's senior picture proof book. I guess there is no way for family to see them. Will have to pick for you!! Ha Ha! They are nice, so no worries! Maybe if I knew if you like full length or close up, I can pick better.
I had a long list of things to do today, but didn't get it all done. I did start the laundry and thought about quicken. My poster is made and the kitchen is clean. Matt got his pumpkins and I watched all of my football games. I still need to shop and practice the piano.
Looking ahead....
- Reformation at MCLC~Chimes and Orchestra are playing. Joint Reformation services of several Lutheran Churches. Our choir is in the joint choir.
- Bowling
- Halloween~Trunk or Treat at MCLC. Jeff's costume revealed! Fun!
- Peer Interview early Tuesday, then off to Holland for Sarah's Senior Case Presentation. MRI on my R knee that continues to click, twist and pop.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Plans Keep Changing
Today Jeff and I were supposed to attend Sarah's Senior Case Study Presentation. Instead, I will use this day to do laundry, church work and go to the dentist. Tragically, a Hope student was hit and killed by a train going though the campus last night. I have crossed that track many times over the past four years. So today the campus will come together at the chapel at 1100 for a service of prayer and reflection. Sarah's presentation will be next week at 1100 and we will be there! So glad it is on a Tuesday. I feel bad for my Sarah since she was all set and ready to go! Waiting another week would cause some stress for me, that is for sure! I know Sarah will do fine, she has done such a great job all four years at Hope! We are so proud of her!
Went to the doctor for my knee. It is still bothering me after two weeks. Clicking, popping, twisting and that horrible feeling of getting stuck. Having pain at night too. Anyway, the xrays I had show only a little arthritis, so I will be getting an MRI sometime in the near future to see if there is damage to the meniscus. If there is, I will go back to Orthopedic Associates of Michigan. If not, then some physical therapy. Today I am going to the dentist and will get a cleaning and have them check my baby tooth that is chipped. I am freaking out about that! I don't like going to the dentist.
Went to the doctor for my knee. It is still bothering me after two weeks. Clicking, popping, twisting and that horrible feeling of getting stuck. Having pain at night too. Anyway, the xrays I had show only a little arthritis, so I will be getting an MRI sometime in the near future to see if there is damage to the meniscus. If there is, I will go back to Orthopedic Associates of Michigan. If not, then some physical therapy. Today I am going to the dentist and will get a cleaning and have them check my baby tooth that is chipped. I am freaking out about that! I don't like going to the dentist.
We did NOT see the Northern Lights last night. Jeff drove us out of town to a dark field north of town and we saw only twinkling stars, which were pretty too, but no aurora borealis. When I moved to FL many years ago, I missed the snow so much, that I asked God to let it snow in FL and when he did, I missed it. I was inside church acolyeting. Well, taking the robe off and putting stuff away. Now, I'd love to see the northern lights and God made them visible in W Michigan, even Grand Rapids, and I missed them. I certainly hope to see them one day, somewhere! The local TV station posted some pictures sent in by their viewers. Click here to take a look!
Last Sunday was position night at bowling. We won one game, losing three. I had one good game and my teammates had good games. The other team was just bowling over average each game. So I think we are in second place and lucky for us, we play the same first place team next week! I hope I do a little better.
Jeff was sad to watch the Sooners lose to Texas Tech last weekend. Seems our teams are having some tough luck lately. Michigan and Florida had a bye week, so hopefully we can pull off some wins this week! I really thought I was going to root for the Cardinals for this World Series, but I am finding myself rooting for Texas now. Hmmm. I still like my "old" cardinals, their uniforms and Ozzie Smith, but for some reason, hoping for a Texas win.
I have gotten through a lot of quicken which I had put off for months. Whew! Still have some work, but it is less daunting. What else is on my long list of things to do?
- Pick a Christmas Program for Sunday School.
- Heading to Ann Arbor on Thursday for a Parenting Seminar at Concordia University. Wonder if we will get to see Mary, even if it is just for a hug!
- Finalize music for this Sunday (Chimes and Orchestra) Plus I need to call a publisher, since two of our orchestra books are missing multiple measures in our planned Christmas song. That was crazy.
- Our church is having Trunk or Treat on Halloween. It is always a fun time.
- Looking forward to getting Matt's proof book of all his senior pictures.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Top Two and Matthew's Concert
Our bowling team, Alpha and Omega, was in first place last night. We battled the other team every game, losing the first game by only one pin. We won the second and then lost the third by enough to lose total points. Next week is position night, we will see where we stand after that. However, Jeff had two magnificent games! He bowled in the 190's the first and last game, the ones we lost. That is crazy, but no matter. Great games and we had a lot of fun. Mary and Matthew came to the bowling alley and bowled too. The night ended with McDonald's and then a couple movies before bed.
Mary and I had fun shopping this afternoon and found her some new tennis shoes and a few other things she needed to take back to college. Bought some groceries too, made chicken crescents for dinner and then enjoyed a great concert at Greenville High School. Matthew did such a wonderful job! I have posted three videos of his performance with Village Green. One is posted under Tuesday and two under Monday. I tried so hard to post before midnight, but I was two minutes late. You could also click here to watch the whole concert online! There is a link to the right too, "Watch GHS Events". I've also posted a few pictures in the Family Photo Album.
Jeff is going to Holland tomorrow for a conference, so I am sending mail, pillows, and presents for Sarah along with him. Sure do miss that girl! Mary is home until 5 pm tomorrow. It has been so nice having her home. Like a ray of sunshine. I have plenty to do to keep me busy.
Better get to it so I can get some rest.
Now, keep scrolling to watch the videos!
Jeff is going to Holland tomorrow for a conference, so I am sending mail, pillows, and presents for Sarah along with him. Sure do miss that girl! Mary is home until 5 pm tomorrow. It has been so nice having her home. Like a ray of sunshine. I have plenty to do to keep me busy.
Better get to it so I can get some rest.
Now, keep scrolling to watch the videos!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Good Times...Season's Over..

But let's start back a week ago:
Bill and Bobbie's Wedding Anniversary
Matthew, Jeff and I had a little weekend getaway. Friday we headed to Wisconsin with a few fun stops. First we stopped in Holland to have dinner with Sarah and her friend. We had a fun time and ate delicious food at a place called Goog's. Driving through Chicago at night is always a treat with the city lights shining. We stopped for ice cream at an oasis in Wisconsin and arrived late to our hotel west of Milwaukee.
Sunday we attended church with Jeff's cousin then spent some more time with Bobbie and Bill, Mom and Dad, Andy and cousins. Seems time really flies and we were headed back to Michigan. Chicago pizza sounded pretty good for dinner so we stopped in downtown Chicago and had a great meal. We got home late, but had enough energy to check mail, do homework and give Sammy some attention.
Busy Week
I worked an extra day as a nurse and watched my little buddy and his sister this week. It is always a fun time, especially playing the leaves with them. Two music rehearsals, Sunday School preparation, a doctor's appointment, overdo laundry and of course Tiger's baseball kept me very busy. My knee continues to bother me, but at least it isn't constant pain and I can go about my business. Best of all, Mary came home for her fall break. It is so nice to have her home!
Happy Times with Disappointments
Today was quite a Saturday:
- Matthew had rehearsal at the high school for "Grease" this morning.
- All of us headed to Newaygo to have lunch with the Cory's and watch Michigan Football. It was the Michigan/Michigan State game. Our hopes of winning were crushed with a loss. Not a good day for the Wolverines. Michigan State, I thought, were mean players and very unsportsmanlike. But they did play better football. In spite of it all, we had fun with the Cory's and enjoyed a yummy lunch at Brandon's dad's restaurant, Jimmy's.
- Matthew, Jeff and I returned to Greenville for Matt's buddy, Mitch's welcome home party after a very successful boot camp. He has already been promoted! Had fun visiting with friends and having more delicious food. We watched a lot of sports. It is always more fun to watch sporting events with friends and family. Matthew was so happy to spend time with his best friend. Mary spent day with Brandon.
- Florida Gators lost, but not as bad as I would have guessed. Tigers, played a must win game six. It started out with some Tiger Home Runs, but quickly turned sour in the 3rd inning where they went through four pitchers and allowed nine runs! We continued to watch with our friends at the party, but knew there was no hope when it was 12-4. Tigers are done for the season, but they are still my team! What changes will be made to the team before next April?? Three game left. Oklahoma came through and won their game 47-17. Boomer Sooner! It is good to have one win.
- Sarah stays busy in Holland at Hope College. It was Homecoming Weekend and she also worked a Soccer game. Wish I could have reported a win there, but they lost 1-0. Jeff is planning in seeing her on Tuesday when he is at Hope for a conference.
Check out the family album for some great pictures!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Tiger's Win!!!
Yesterday may have started out depressing me with the knowledge that my bathroom is going to be out of commission for a while longer, and that poor Sammy boy continues to lose weight each time he goes to the vet for a visit or grooming. Some say it is because he getting old. That is the only thing that makes sense. He is acting normal otherwise.
But those Detroit Tigers turned things around! What a game! Wish we could have seen the first inning when Don Kelly and Young hit home runs! It sure was close and nail biting right up to the end! I am so glad that they won and move on to Texas to play for the League Championship! We can do it!! Keep the momentum Tigers! Let them hear you ROAR! A perfect ending for the day.
Getting things done this morning so we can head to Wisconsin for a family celebration this weekend. It will be so nice to spend time with family. Should have wonderful weather too! I took the day off, so we could be ready. Matthew is coming home early and will need to mow the neighbors grass, pack and off we go! Woohoo! We can all take showers this weekend, an extra perk!
Besides, the family celebration, we will be keeping an eye on our sports..Oklahoma plays Texas, Michigan plays Northwestern and both hope to stay undefeated. Florida plays LSU, which will be a rough game. The Tigers play on Saturday too! Wow, what a day! Can't wait!
Better run. I will take some pictures and report on our weekend!
But those Detroit Tigers turned things around! What a game! Wish we could have seen the first inning when Don Kelly and Young hit home runs! It sure was close and nail biting right up to the end! I am so glad that they won and move on to Texas to play for the League Championship! We can do it!! Keep the momentum Tigers! Let them hear you ROAR! A perfect ending for the day.
Getting things done this morning so we can head to Wisconsin for a family celebration this weekend. It will be so nice to spend time with family. Should have wonderful weather too! I took the day off, so we could be ready. Matthew is coming home early and will need to mow the neighbors grass, pack and off we go! Woohoo! We can all take showers this weekend, an extra perk!
Besides, the family celebration, we will be keeping an eye on our sports..Oklahoma plays Texas, Michigan plays Northwestern and both hope to stay undefeated. Florida plays LSU, which will be a rough game. The Tigers play on Saturday too! Wow, what a day! Can't wait!
Better run. I will take some pictures and report on our weekend!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thank You Mary!
Mary uploaded her video of the UMMGC singing the National Anthem on Sarah's Bday at Comerica Park. Now it's on you tube, so here it is!!
I have lots to do today. I hope I can get the whole list done!
- Take more pictures of our bathroom
- Hang up all my clothes
- Clean up
- Quicken
- Shopping
- Prep for Sunday School/Kid's Church
- Drop Off newspapers at the collection site.
- Pick up the dog from the groomer.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I Just Want to Take a Shower!
It's been a week since I have had a full fledged shower. The bathroom floor has been torn up, new pipes put in, sub-floor back on, the cement boards down, heating element down and today our new bathroom tile is going down. I took a peek and it should look nice. We almost picked a light brown tile, something a little different and give our bathroom a totally new look. But our common sense took over. It was a little risky, what if we didn't like it? Can't change the tile on the floor, plus it might make the old yellow tile on the wall pop more! In the end we got the white floor to tone down the yellow and to contrast with our brown vanilty. A new vanity was way too much money~$300 is a lot for a vanity. The one we have is old, but functional. We are getting a new toilet and sink top, so there will be some changes! Still not sure when it will all be done, and then how long it will have to "dry" before we can use it!
Sunday was a very nice day. Good service and Sunday School continues to hum along. Jeff and I did service at the local long term care facilities. Sunday bowling was a huge success! We took all four points and Jeff had a 603 series with a high game of 244. I was getting pretty excited after he bowled 6 straight strikes. But it ended in the 7th with a spare. Still the best game for Jeff ever! My bowling got better as the night went on, with a high game of 134, and my average remains 124. That is pretty high for me these days. Boy when I was on a league in Japan, I would bowl 140's! I still have lots of fun!
Now for the Tigers. Saturday's game was nauseating..we didn't look good and the Yankees creamed us. It didn't help that it was a continuation of Friday night's game. Glad it is over and that we won the next two games. Verlander was a beast last night. I love to watch him pitch. Had some good hitting too. If we win tonight, we move on to the Amercian League playoffs and send the Yankees home. It has been such a great year. I hope that the Tigers can go all the way and win the World Series! Sarah, Matthew and I would be so happy! Plus it would be a great event to remember during Matt and Sarah's senior year.
Guess I had better get working on some other things. Sammy's dog food is making him a little sick. Tried mixing it with other dog food, but it just doesn't agree with him. Need to get rid of it and give him some of his favorite, Beneful! Have two more loads of laundry and then quicken...I am in the mood, just need to move out to the other computer. Lunch first. Need to make sure things are ready for Sunday too since we will be out of town. Heading to Wisconsin to celebrate Uncle Bill and Bobbie's 50th wedding anniversary. Should be lots of fun to see everyone again!
Have a nice day!
PS: It is the anniversary of Jeff and my engagement..It was a wonderful night!
Sunday was a very nice day. Good service and Sunday School continues to hum along. Jeff and I did service at the local long term care facilities. Sunday bowling was a huge success! We took all four points and Jeff had a 603 series with a high game of 244. I was getting pretty excited after he bowled 6 straight strikes. But it ended in the 7th with a spare. Still the best game for Jeff ever! My bowling got better as the night went on, with a high game of 134, and my average remains 124. That is pretty high for me these days. Boy when I was on a league in Japan, I would bowl 140's! I still have lots of fun!
Now for the Tigers. Saturday's game was nauseating..we didn't look good and the Yankees creamed us. It didn't help that it was a continuation of Friday night's game. Glad it is over and that we won the next two games. Verlander was a beast last night. I love to watch him pitch. Had some good hitting too. If we win tonight, we move on to the Amercian League playoffs and send the Yankees home. It has been such a great year. I hope that the Tigers can go all the way and win the World Series! Sarah, Matthew and I would be so happy! Plus it would be a great event to remember during Matt and Sarah's senior year.
Guess I had better get working on some other things. Sammy's dog food is making him a little sick. Tried mixing it with other dog food, but it just doesn't agree with him. Need to get rid of it and give him some of his favorite, Beneful! Have two more loads of laundry and then quicken...I am in the mood, just need to move out to the other computer. Lunch first. Need to make sure things are ready for Sunday too since we will be out of town. Heading to Wisconsin to celebrate Uncle Bill and Bobbie's 50th wedding anniversary. Should be lots of fun to see everyone again!
Have a nice day!
PS: It is the anniversary of Jeff and my engagement..It was a wonderful night!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
It's Matthew's Day!
After a late night of doing laundry after the GHS football game, I forced myself out of bed to take Matthew to his Senior Picture Shoot. What a great morning! Matthew looked so nice in his clothes and his nice smile! Those big blue eyes can't be missed! He had a great time posing for the pictures, studio, outside near a river and then GHS Theatre with shots as a techie! There are 4 teaser pictures posted here. We will get his proof book in about 3 weeks.
We met Jeff for lunch at our local Mexican Restaurant and had an ok meal. They changed up their enchiladas and Matt and I weren't to happy with the tortilla changes. Matthew played some video games for a while after we got home and I took a needed nap!
By 4:30pm Matthew was ready to head to the Homecoming Dance. Wore his new suit (without the coat) with his new green tie. He looked so nice and is a wonderful young man! His mom and dad are so proud of him!
I vacuumed the house again. Sammy is shedding so much I could vac twice a day! Need to get him groomed! Even though I stayed up late doing laundry, I still have three more loads to complete. There is plenty of football and baseball to keep me awake to get the job done.
Mary is doing well. She and Brandon enjoyed a show last night in Ann Arbor and then attended the Michigan game this afternoon. UMich is still undefeated! Let's keep the momentum! Go Blue!
Sarah went to ArtPrize yesterday with a friend and saw lots of different art from all over the country and as far as Beijing China. She said she liked it ok, but her friend is an art major loved it! I haven't been yet, but hear it is really nice. She is working a Hope Men's Soccer game this evening. I know she will be anxious to hear and maybe see how the Tigers game turns out after it was suspended due to rain yesterday and will be resumed this evening. I guess Verlander will not be pitching, which could be a really bad ramification of the suspension. He is the best pitcher in the American League. Fister is a good pitcher too, and we have a great team to back him up, so let's get 'em Tigers. Did I mention we are playing the Yankees? Yikes.
I just saw the end of the South Carolina/Auburn game and it will be controversial. Auburn won 16-13, but SC had a first down with one second left on the clock within field goal range. They called it out of time and Auburn wins! What a shame, but that's football. Heck it is just a game! I would like to pick the winner though, there's another game where I picked wrong! Texas A&M lost too Arkansas. I guess I will be moving down in the ranks this week!
Better get to the grocery store...out of milk! Gators, Sooners and Tigers play with in the hour! Bye!
We met Jeff for lunch at our local Mexican Restaurant and had an ok meal. They changed up their enchiladas and Matt and I weren't to happy with the tortilla changes. Matthew played some video games for a while after we got home and I took a needed nap!
I vacuumed the house again. Sammy is shedding so much I could vac twice a day! Need to get him groomed! Even though I stayed up late doing laundry, I still have three more loads to complete. There is plenty of football and baseball to keep me awake to get the job done.
Mary is doing well. She and Brandon enjoyed a show last night in Ann Arbor and then attended the Michigan game this afternoon. UMich is still undefeated! Let's keep the momentum! Go Blue!
Sarah went to ArtPrize yesterday with a friend and saw lots of different art from all over the country and as far as Beijing China. She said she liked it ok, but her friend is an art major loved it! I haven't been yet, but hear it is really nice. She is working a Hope Men's Soccer game this evening. I know she will be anxious to hear and maybe see how the Tigers game turns out after it was suspended due to rain yesterday and will be resumed this evening. I guess Verlander will not be pitching, which could be a really bad ramification of the suspension. He is the best pitcher in the American League. Fister is a good pitcher too, and we have a great team to back him up, so let's get 'em Tigers. Did I mention we are playing the Yankees? Yikes.
I just saw the end of the South Carolina/Auburn game and it will be controversial. Auburn won 16-13, but SC had a first down with one second left on the clock within field goal range. They called it out of time and Auburn wins! What a shame, but that's football. Heck it is just a game! I would like to pick the winner though, there's another game where I picked wrong! Texas A&M lost too Arkansas. I guess I will be moving down in the ranks this week!
Better get to the grocery store...out of milk! Gators, Sooners and Tigers play with in the hour! Bye!
GHS Homecoming
Friday night was the last homecoming for GHS at Black Field. Next year football games will be played at the High School Campus at a brand new field! Lots of memories for many people. There is a real sense of community there, but I am sure that the new field will be great. Decided to video the floats this year and the court. Matthew was so proud of his class and I was glad the senior float won! He also stood in the student section, something that he hasn't done in years! Even got in the first row..that made me happy to see him with friends, having a lot of fun. We left during the fourth quarter because it was getting to cold to sit in the bleachers, esp since the score was 44-0. Jackets win! We had pizza afterward and then I got to the laundry. Matthew has senior pictures in less than 5 hours! Got everything done, now just need to get some sleep! Will let you know how everything goes!
Good night! (really good morning)
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