Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Let's start with the GOOD! Graduation was very nice. We arrived early to see if there were any tickets to the gym available. I think we were even closer in line this year than last year for Sarah's graduation. Anyway, we were talking with the people behind us and told them our saga, and low and behold, they had two extra tickets! We were sooo grateful when they gave them to us. Brandon's family arrived later, so we were able to get them in line with us and we all sat together. The address was well done by one of Mary's favorite teachers. The band did a great job playing pomp and circumstance while the graduates received their diplomas. I think Matt said they played it 29 times through! Luckily, there is a rotation system in place so that all of the musicians don't have to play the whole time...~30 minutes! The weather was nice so we were able to get a nice picture of Brandon and Mary afterward. On a side note, the mouthpiece on Matt's trumpet is stuck! Even a mouthpiece puller couldn't get it free. We will have to go to the music store and see if they can remove it.

The BAD... Although our softball team is amazing..we lost last night 17-6. We played the best team in the league with 15,000 players (it seemed) and some of their calls were not so good. They are really liberal with their strikes, balls and safe calls. Sarah pitched at the end of the game and was awesome! She has earned a permanent place on the mound! We had some good hits, but they had better gloves last night. I hit one to the pitcher then took a walk at my last at bat. Jeff and I only batted twice last night. That should tell you that we weren't getting lots of runs!

The UGLY! My poor leg hurts terrible. I was walking like I was 110 years old. Limped through most of the game. I pulled my quadriceps femoris (thigh muscle) of my left leg at work 3 times in the past week. It was sore before the game and just got worse each inning. My right foot has chronic heel spur stuff going on. I do feel better this morning and am back to my almost 46 year old gait.

Kids have half days today, tomorrow and Thursday. Then summer vacation! Yay! I have places to be, so I am off to the shower! Have a great day everyone!