We arrived home on Wednesday in time for Mary to go with Brandon to his gig at an anniversary party. She said he performed wonderfully and got paid more than promised! He sang Everybody Loves Somebody, Mac the Knife, In the Wee Hours of the Morning and You Make Me Feel So Young! I wish I had been well, I would have gone to the restaurant and ate dinner to listen to him sing! Mary is going to spend the day with him today, as he and his 2 best friends leave on their BIG Road Trip Saturday for 2 weeks!
Sarah is working today! She got a babysitting job for the whole day. Matt and I will hold down the fort. I have plenty to do at home. I pulled together enough people to play in the tournament tomorrow. The team is excited about playing another game. We will miss several of our key players though~
Lastly, things seem to breaking around the house. Our ceiling fan/light in the den is broken. Then last night the modem died. Luckily for us, Jeff stayed up and fixed up a new one (He didn't get a lot of sleep). He has lots to do! Wedding rehearsal on Saturday, Church and then he leaves for SC for Air Force duty until the 7th of August. He'll be home at lunch to go get a haircut. I hope nothing else breaks while he is gone. Oh, I forgot to mention that Matt found the deep feezer off yesterday. It wasn't off too long as the meat was all still solid, but the ice cream was soup. Not too much of a mess either!
That is all!