Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a Night!

I worked most of the morning on Sunday School records and paperwork. I had a volunteer to take over as superintendent, so I want to give her a very organized and workable book. I guess I should order the curriculum, so we get the right amount next month.

We left for Craig's Cruisers, a place for pizza, games, go karts, mini-golf and such and enjoyed ourselves. Our mini golf game was pretty good for most of us, and the go karts are fun even if you daughter and her girlfriend bumps into you. I got lapped by everyone, but that what happens to safe drivers on a race track! By 8:30pm we were on our way to downtown Grand Rapids for the fireworks. We sat on some rocks along the shore of the Grand River. The fireworks were very good, lasted about 20 minutes. We had nice weather for the event as well.

Church went well. I taught kids church and ran out of time. We learned about Solomon's temple. The kids came down after church to finish their projects. I also had a softball meeting. The league is requiring signatures from the team stating they know the rules. There has been a lot of nit-picking and some poor sportsmanship. It is getting a little crazy. Supposed to have all the signatures by today, which is really crazy since several of my players are gone this weekend. I hope we don't have to forfeit a game! That would really be nuts!

Well, got to run, playing for chapel at the nursing homes and then we are going to a welcome home party for a family friend that just got home from boot camp. Have a great day!
