Matthew and I were on the road by 930 heading to Holland to help Sarah pack up and move from her Campus House to a townhouse not too far away. The van was packed with a twin bed, sleeping bag, extra boxes and some small appliances.
Upon our arrival we stopped and loaded more things in the van and Sarah's car and headed over to the new place. It is very nice and clean! A little smaller than I expected but all the girls get along nicely so I know this will be a nice year for Sarah. Everyone has their own bathroom adjacent to the their room. How cool is that?
Then the BIG work began. There was lots of packing to do. Sarah hasn't felt too well. I was assigned to pack her kitchen stuff while Matt and Sarah attacked her room and extra large closet. Three hours later we were unloading the rest of her stuff in her new room. All of us were very tired and hungry. Matthew chose Steak n Shake for lunch and we all had a nice meal.
We got home right at 8 pm and Matthew mustered up enough energy to mow our lawn for the first time this season. What a trooper and hard worker. Thanks Matthew! I managed to do a few more loads of laundry and posted pictures of Sarah's new place in the Family Photos!
Happy Mother's Day!
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