Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hot Hot Hot!

The weather has been pretty hot lately. We had some bad storms on Saturday evening and Sunday night too. Looks like the weather is going to stay in the mid to upper 80's all week.
Our outdoor church service was small but nice. Mary was in a skit about the 3 Little Pigs, and putting a bible twist. Theme was to have a firm foundation of the bible and then you will be ready when the Wolf shows up. Jeff was the Wolf. Both did a great job. After lunch, we had a nice time on the lake. I always enjoy the pontoon ride and Jeff and the kids went swimming off the boat. Matt's friends were tubing and stopped by, and took Matt tubing too. He had a lot of fun.

Sarah and I worked Sunday night, and all of us slept in on Monday morning. Jeff was able to make several reservations for some upcoming trips. Jeff, Matt and I will be coming to FL ~Sept 1st-5th. We needed to use our frequent flyer miles and going to FL sounded great. Jeff has a military ticket for Universal and Disney. Disney sounds ok to me, but Universal will be a Father/Son day. Mom and I will find some other things to do. Mary can't go as she is going to take a college Spanish class this fall. Classes start in August. Sarah will already be at Hope College. Boy are my kids growing up! We will also be travelling to Minnesota for our good friend Mark's wedding in October. We are looking forward to celebrating with him!

Jeff played Price is Right Wii style last night and was a double showcase winner! I met my match! We also watched a movie that was in the end, very stupid and a waste of time. Don't spend time watching the movie "Knowing".

Today was golf day! Mary went with us today. I felt like I golfed a little better, but my putting was off so my score went up 9 strokes today, for a total of 58. Norma birdied the last hole! Yay! Mary did ok and will probably go again, but she needs longer clubs to make golf easier for her. Here are some pictures from the golf course. How do you like that lie by the tree? It was wicked. I took the liberty of improving my lie, so I could actually take a swing at it!

Mary's friends is back home and she will be going out to welcome him home. She has missed him a great deal. I have had a headache this afternoon and although I am feeling better, am debating if I will go get some groceries tonight.

Grandma and Grandpa arrive tomorrow! Just in time for our softball picnic party, Mary's Miss Danish pageant, a Tigers Game and the Danish Festival. They will also get to come and see Hope College when Sarah returns on the 23rd.

Whew! That's all Folks!
