The kids really helped out this week with the cleaning. The house looks really nice. Our grass looks good this year too! That makes Matthew really happy. Mary preparation for the pageant continues now with dancing and "learning to walk" and checking the bathing suits for appropriateness. Her accompany track turned out really nice for her cello solo, but there are parts that will be hard for her to hear while she plays, so she has opted to play the cello alone without the track. Once you get off with a track it is too hard to get back on.
Today is a day for weddings. Jeff has a wedding at Mt. Calvary at 3 pm, and Mary is playing for a wedding at a home at 3:30pm. She says the group is ready and sounds good. The couples shouuld have a lot of luck as it has been raining all morning. By the looks of the radar, it will be a very rainy day. Mary says they will play on the porch or under a tent. My big concern is for Mary to be driving them out to the house in a bad rain storm. Maybe God will give us a window without storms for everyone's safety and enjoyment.
Tomorrow is our outdoor church service and picnic. I am playing the clavinova. Pretty much ready too. Plan to practice at church today sometime. Clavs feel and play just a little different than a piano. Not sure what to take to the potluck picnic either. Baking is always fun and then I still would have to bring some main dish. I am thinking italian, I bring stuff my family likes. Since tomorrow is going to be hot, 92, there will be swimming and games afterward. I will have to sleep somewhere along the line, as I work nights tomorrow.
Hope your day is sunny and bright!