Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday's Over!!!

Monday was quite a day! The kids had a good day at school, but my day at work was long and stressful. I am not going to disclose anymore information, but I was really glad to get home! I was also sad to hear about Patrick Swayze's death. He was a good guy and dancer.

Mary threw in some frozen pizza, while I was getting ready for kids choir and chime team and they were doing homework. My kids choir went really well and I finally think I have an idea where we are going this fall with our schedule. Chime team had a good turn out. Eight people showed up and 2 returning members were absent. I probably won't have to ring and direct this year! That is helpful. Now I can plan more appropriately! We will start off simple. Last night it was so hot in the balcony, that we met in the narthex for a meeting, then we played a simple C scale and learned about timing and techniques.

Went to the store for milk and advil and a few other items. Watched America's Got Talent Finale. I really like the Fab Five cloggers and the Recycled Percussion. Those are the shows that I think belong in Vegas. There were a few good singers, but not for Vegas.

Important information- I have contacted the orchestra director about the procedure for getting entertainment books in your area. Please hold your purchase for Mary. We'd appreciate it.

That is all for now...Have a good day.
