Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mistaken Identities

Sammy got the Christmas presents mixed up.  We came from a nice meal at Applebee's and found a gift opened under the tree!  If he had taken time to read the tags, he had a present just behind it and one to the side! So one of Jeff's and my present has torn open. Luckily the gift was one with two ornaments!  Perfect for just before Christmas.  Guess we had better watch him the next few days or we won't have any gifts to open on Saturday! I am getting excited!  Christmas is coming!

Yesterday was fun-filled. I had lunch with Jeff and the Mt Calvary Staff.  The food was good and the fellowship awesome.  Then I came home and took the kids shopping.  They all got some new clothes to wear for Christmas and we got some groceries too.  Mary and I quickly made up some Chicken Crescents for dinner.  By then, it was a little late to start making cookies.  So we played a little Wii and watched TV.  Really need to bake tomorrow!

Monday's trip to pick up Mary and Brandon went well. The roads were good all the way there and back. Mary's room has a new look, she has her bed lofted now with her dresser and desk underneath.  There is more room now and her couch is better situated. Sarah's friend, Kyle, met us there and then we all walked to Cottage Inn and had a delicious meal.  I finally got my cannoli and shared it with Sarah and Kyle. Brandon and Mary had Tiramisu.  We were all packed up and back on the road by 8 pm.  It sure is nice to have everyone home.  Mary and I made cookie dough after dinner! We tried to watch the eclipse through the night.  At 1 am, the sky was clear and the moon was full. By 1:30 pm the clouds were moving in and the moon only partially visible.  I did see just the beginning of the eclipse, but the rest of the night went downhill.  Mary went out around 2 am and the clouds were thick and no moon at all. :( My alarm went off at 0315 for the "peak" of the eclipse and I decided with clouds and cold, it was better to go back to sleep in my warm house. 

So tomorrow I will start the laundry, bake cookies, make a trip to Grand Rapids and finish wrapping gifts.   Better put extra tape on it so Sammy doesn't unwrap anymore!

That's all!


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