Friday, December 10, 2010

Some Good~Some Not So Good

  1. My day at work was a good one. Hailey is doing much better and is playing and hugging.  Her new favorite thing to do is "watch" TV.  She loves to see the colors and lights.
  2. Sarah reported that she received 100% on another rehab care plan!  Woohoo! She also had a group presentation this afternoon that went "pretty well".  Two more rehab plans to go!
  3. Matthew enjoyed his Village Green Christmas Party and is now on his way to the lock-in with a local church at Craig's Cruisers.  We pick him up around 0600.
  4. Mary is signed up for her winter semester classes.  She will be taking German, Intro to Literary Studies and a technical theatre class.  She is very excited.  In addition she will receive two credit hours, one for Women's Glee Club and one for playing in a Chamber Group.  I am so glad that she will be playing Liam again!
  5. Figured out how to post my you tube videos on the blog.  I am going to try to figure out how to post them like the girls did, on the links column to the right.
  1. My efforts for some great Christmas gifts are faltering.  Lost items on eBay, Conflicting information on another idea, and one gift turned out it to be a dream!  Better get my thinking cap back on!
  2. Supposed to go to a Christmas Barbershop Choir Concert tomorrow afternoon. Ordered tickets over the phone on Monday and they still haven't arrived.  
  3. Winter Storm Watch right now and Jeff is concerned that Church may have to be cancelled on Sunday due to hazardous driving conditions.  Will keep you updated
That is all for now...Have a great weekend!


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