Thursday, April 8, 2010


Sometimes we wish there was more time in a day.  So many things to do...things we need to do and want to do.  Seems like we got the best of both yesterday.
  • Sleep in until your eyes open.  As an adult, my eyes open much earlier than I want them too. 
  • Watch TV with your kids..because soon they will have left the nest and you'll be watching alone.
  • Baseball practice for Matthew followed by Subway lunch and shopping at Wal-Mart.
  • Taking the Prius in for repair and having it ready to pick up before the end of the day!
  • Cooking Chicken Crescents with your daughter,  it's fun and they are so delicious!
  • Deciding at dinner to go see Alice in Wonderland together at 9:40pm.  We all liked it!
  • Getting the zipper in your prom dress.
  • Doing laundry, paying bills and meeting deadlines for financial aid applications.
Today I wasted a couple of hours.  My doctor's appointment for a second opinion on my aching feet was at  1030.  I was on the road to Grand Rapids by 9:45am and got there on schedule, only to find a waiting room packed with people and a line to check in.  When I got to the desk, the lady said my doctor was running 1 hour and 20 minutes behind schedule!  I decided to reschedule. Waiting till almost noon to get in, then however long the visit, I just wasn't willing to be packed in there with all those other people.  I had nothing to do either, read or paperwork. So I made a new appointment in another 2 weeks and drove 45 minutes back home.  I made a good decision, kids will be in school in two weeks and I won't miss time with them.

Mary's dress is almost complete.  The zipper went in easily and now she is putting the final touches on...hook and eyes, and hemming. I am so proud of Mary, she did a really nice job on the dress, and will be beautiful in it. We took it to quilting and tried it on.  They all liked it very much too.  What a great feeling to know your prom dress is ready in plenty of time!

Time can be punching a clock.  Mary got her hours for McDonald's today. Her first day is Monday 5-9 pm, then Wednesday and Thursday at the same time. Tuesday she will put in hours at Jimmy's $$$. Guess her bank account should start growing!  She owes me some money. I allow payments so she can have spending and saving money too. Aren't I nice???

After holiday specials means time for great buys.  All the Easter candy was 50% off at Wal Mart, so after consulting with Sarah, I went and bought her a GIANT EASTER BUNNY!  Officially he is a Big Binks, cute and delicious!  I will be glad to help her eat him up! 

Showtimes!  Matthew really wanted to see Clash of the Titans in 3D.  The last "cheap" showtime was 4:55pm.  Jeff and I have orchesta tonight, so Mary and Matthew are having brother and sister time.  I hope they have fun.  I know that I don't need to be in the midst of a war between gods and titans!

Time for me to get to work....
  • More laundry to do, oh well~
  • Practice the piano for rehearsal tonight.
  • Get our dog sitter a key, we are going on a mini family getaway!
Two concerts over the next few nights and bowling in a state tournament on Saturday!  Wish me luck!

Grace...taking the time to do something for me! 

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