Friday, July 23, 2010

A Scare

I got up early and started packing up stuff in my room.  It was so hot with the blowers/dehumidifiers going, but knew that I had to get things done. By 1100 I was on my to Physical Therapy.  Did all the exercises first then the therapist was going to stretch my muscles and massage the tight spots. It hurt pretty bad and then the lady got pretty concerned, said it should not hurt so much at this point and sent me upstairs to see the nurse to rule out a blood clot.  Saw the nurse for a few minutes and off I went to an off site radiology department for an ultrasound. There are no blood clots, but they did find out why it hurts so bad.  There is a hematoma near the incision site.  So while it might be clotted blood, it isn't in a vessel, but in the tissue. It will have to be reabsorbed by my body. I got home at 1540 two and a half hours later than planned.  At least I know that I won't have some sort of stroke or an embolism in the lungs or heart! Needless to say, I was exhausted when I got home.  I can say that my ankle still hurts and the area of my hematoma  is sore. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or energy to make the Korean meal. I was looking forward to it, but shouldn't over extend myself.  Will have to think of something else.

The drying of our water damage is complete and all the equipment is gone.  Now I have the weekend to get things packed up and moved out so we can look at the whole floor, paint and paper. Guess I will get to come up with a color and design theme!  Good thing Jeff isn't too picky.  I won't pick pink or purple, I promise. 

We are looking forward to having Uncle Bill and Aunt Bobbie here tomorrow. Think they will sleep downstairs where it is cool!  The upstairs is still pretty warm without an air conditioner up there  and temperatures meeting Florida standards. 

Kudos to Mary~ She donated her second pint of blood yesterday.  I am proud of her. 

Better get  something to eat and off to Wal Mart for milk.


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