Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just Before Bed

Well, it was my last day of medical leave. I go back to work tomorrow. It should be ok, as it is only for 6 hours. It will be good for me to get back on a more normal schedule.

I sewed another pair of flannel pants this morning. Now I just need to make Matthew's. I think Jeff's turned out pretty nice. After an afternoon nap, I went grocery shopping and then took Matt to GR for Baseball Camp. It sure makes for a long day. We got home at 10:30 pm, since we stopped for a drive thru dinner and picked Mary at her friends house. Now Matt is finishing up his homework. I will be taking him to the high school for baseball in 7 hours!

Sarah and the other Athletic Trainers of Hope College spent the day at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. I am not sure why they went there, but that is where they went. Her tryouts continue tomorow. It seems like Friday is far off, but she will be home before long.

Mary had an enjoyable evening at her friends house. She even ate spagetti! Right now, she is focusing on the One Act regional competition this weekend. Matt will be there too with the scene crew. I hope to attend to watch and cheer on the cast and crew.

Jeff is at a pastor's conference today and tomorrow. He said it snowed 3" up in Cadillac just this morning. It is pretty cold here today. It snowed a little bit, just enough to enjoy watching.

Matt's done with his homework and the Gators just won their 15th home court game and is in first place of the SEC. GO GATORS!

Next post?? Soon I hope.
