Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sabbatical (33 days left)

Yesterday was my last scheduled day at work.  It felt a little weird. This all came about since I had to resolve and issue with my employer, having to jump through so many hoops.  Seems like they are always finding something wrong that needs correction. It is very tiring and discouraging. Also, I wasn't sure when I would be having the procedure for my plantar fasciitis, so I told my patient's mom to schedule without me this month.  I will get back on the schedule in June.  So for the rest of  May..
  • I will spend time with Sarah, and she will help me when I have the minor surgery later this month
  • Paint the kitchen window sills
  • Get out the Graduation Annoucements and Open House Invitations
  • Commit time to help make the spring play "Bleacher Bums" a success
  • Attend concerts, lunches and honors week activities.
  • Suppose I should get house ready for visiting family and party.  
Tonight is the Orchestra Banquet. There is also a church event our praise team is singing for. I didn't know about the banquet until a few days ago, but I am going to go anyway, since it is Mary's senior year.  I am sure she will get some type of award.  She deserves a mighty nice one in my opinion. She certainly has poured a lot of energy into the program, including directing when the teacher was absent.

Mary is finally scheduled at McDonald's this week. She has 10 hours there, and 4 hours at Jimmy's on Friday. She should be home the rest of the month through the end of June!  Hopefully she can save up some money!

Matthew got the cough that the rest of us had the past few weeks. There is no practice after school, so he wants to come home and get some rest.

Better get going, it is golf buddy lunch day.. We are off to Jimmy's!


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