Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back to Normal?

I picked Jeff up at the airport last night at 10:30pm and met him just as he was coming down to the baggage area.  It was so wonderful to see him again!  Lots of hugs.  We got home before midnight and he was able to say good night to the kids.  Our family is all back to normal.

Sarah isn't home obviously, but she isn't at Hope either.  The ladies basketball team is heading to Illinois for the next round of play in the NCAA Division III tournament.  Sarah went along as the student trainer.  Here are some links in case you want to watch or listen to the game.  The Lady Dutch are an excellent team and play great ball.  I have watched a couple games live! Fun!!     (watch) (listen)

Today was a two hour delay day for school. Too foggy for safe travel.  Mary had to be at the community college anyway.  Matthew started at 9:30 am.  Today is call backs for theatre. Mary had a talk with the director yesterday and will meet again at lunch today about the play and what her desires are. It is pretty complicated and better for me to explain the final decision. Just bear with us.

I have to get going now, supposed to have salad for quilters lunch today and orchestra tonight.  In the meantime Jeff wants the Prius looked at. He thinks the engine sounds really loud.


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