Thursday, March 24, 2011

That's Too Much...

That is how I am feeling about now.
  1. "Snow Days" yesterday and today for the ice storm we had.  I scraped 1/4" of ice off the van for nearlhy 30 minutes before I could drive to work.  Show rehearsals and tonight's opening show have been cancelled.  I think we are over the limit now, so there will be make up days ahead.
  2. Short power outages occurred during the ice storm and now our surge to our desktop computer is dead. Need to buy a new temporary surge and or call the belkin people to see what is wrong with it. 
  3. Took the Van in for a recall, it is ready to get picked up.  Still haven't found the second set of keys. Where could I have put them??
  4. Don't feel so go today.  Aches, sore throat, pressure type headache and just have little energy.  
Let's look at some good things!
  1. Jeff passed his last fitness test with the Air Force with flying colors! Better than last time.  Way to Go Jeff.  He is in South Carolina this week for duty.  Planning his retirement ceremony coming up this May. Lots of exciting ideas!
  2. Mary passed her test to run the techie stuff at the Residential College Theatre.  She said it was close but it is done! Kudos.  She also had a positive interview to be part of a planning committee for K-Grams (kids programs through umich).She is pretty excited about her sweet adelines group which will perform before the Women's Glee Concert this Saturday in the various lobbies at Hill Auditorium.  She said there will be a good picture opportunity on the front steps.   I can't wait. 
  3. Bought a work out Wii game and made it through one session.  Trying to decide if I am sore because of the Wii game or because I am getting sick.  
  4. Watching Tiger Baseball tonight with Sarah.  That will be fun.  We used to do that all the time.
  5. March Madness is back- Sweet Sixteen
  1. I am supposed to work.
  2. Sarah is babysitting
  3. Hopefully Matthew will go back to school
  4.  Opening night of Aladdin Jr since tonight's show was cancelled.  I am selling tickets.
  5. March Madness~Sweet Sixteen
  1. Drive to Detroit to pick up Jeff, have dinner with Mary and go to her concert!  Woohoo.
  2. Will have to prepare for sunday school and I will be playing for church too. 
Lots to do...That Too Much!  Hahaha!  LOL  Keeps me from stagnating.

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